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Quickly connect with experienced news professionals in Dour, ready to cover your story or provide expert reporting. From breaking news to in-depth features, find the talent you need.
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Reach up to 1 freelancers in Dour!
Dour, BE
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Find a freelance journalist in Dour

Find a freelance journalist in Dour

Paydesk has 1 journalist in Dour. Our journalists can do broadcast reports, as well as printed media and photography.

Our top journalist in Dour is Gaëlle Dehaut.

Use our journalist directory to find a member to work for you.

Journalists in Dour

Gaëlle Dehaut

Dour, Belgium
View Profile
Gaëlle Dehaut is a make up artist
J'ai réalisé ma formation chez Finotto en 2015. Mon expérience s'est affinée au cours des années, que ce soit dans le milieu du cinéma, de la télévision ou en mode.
French English
Arts & Books
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