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Ozan Dogan Avunduk

Ankara, Turkey
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About Ozan
Currently based in Istanbul, I am an experienced writer, interviewer and video creator in French, Turkish and English on a wide range of subjects from international conflicts and domestic politics to economy, music and cultural policies. My stories stand out thanks to my extensive network of experts, academics and private sector representatives.
English French Turkish
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Business Politics Current Affairs

Ozan Avunduk yazdı: Fransa ve AB, stratejik özerkliğin peşinde

France's Prime Minister Michel Barnier: Portrait of a Right-Wing Diplomat

France in a Dilemma: Who Will Be the Prime Minister?

Elections présidentielles en Turquie : situation politique et sociale actuelle au 1er tour des élections

Eurovision, a Reflection of International Tensions

08 May 2023  |  Mediapart
Despite Eurovision's rule against political gestures or messages, politics often reflects on its stage, with songs representing national sentiments and geopolitical climates. Countries like Turkey and Belarus have abstained from participation for political reasons, with Turkey's withdrawal in 2013 seen as a shift away from its Western identity and towards Islamic values under the AKP government. Eurovision voting patterns also reveal political alliances and cultural affinities among participating countries.

Fransız sağı, Elysée Sarayı’na bakıyor

Sainte-Sophie d'Istanbul, monument instrumentalisé à des fins politiques

Les relations entre la Turquie et la France se tendent à la Méditerranée orientale

Entre le taux d’inflation en augmentation de 85% par mois et la pression du gouvernement, le monde musical turc traverse une crise profonde. Entretien avec Anıl Selvi, chanteur basé à Ankara, sur les difficultés rencontrées par les musiciens turcs.

La culture est désormais dans le viseur du président islamo-conservateur, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Tenues des musiciennes, festivals alcoolisés, défense de la laïcité... le parti présidentiel compte bien mettre fin à ces « dérives ». Reportage.

Depuis février 2022, les musiciens du groupe Cabaret Slave ne peuvent pas rentrer en Ukraine à cause de la guerre. Réfugiés en France, ils se produisent dans le métro parisien en soutien à leurs familles et à l’armée ukrainienne.

Depuis les tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie, le rocker turc Haluk Levent travaille pour le sauvetage et le rétablissement des personnes touchées par les séismes. Levent inspire au public plus de confiance que les autorités politiques.

France Télévisions Organizes a Concert at the Olympia in Support of Turks and Syrians Affected by Earthquakes

14 Mar 2023  |  reporturc.blogspot.com
A charity concert is being organized by France Télévisions at the Olympia in Paris to support Turkish and Syrian populations affected by the February 6, 2023 earthquakes. French, Turkish, and Syrian musicians, including ZAZ, GIMS, Patrick Bruel, and Turkish pianist Fazıl Say, will perform, with the event broadcast live on France 2 and hosted by Léa Salamé and Stéphane Bern. Meanwhile, the Turkish Red Crescent is under fire for selling tents to another NGO, Ahbap, after the earthquakes, with calls for its president, Kerem Kınık, to resign, especially from comedian Şahan Gökbakar. In political news, Muharrem Ince announced his candidacy for the Turkish presidential election set for May 14, 2023, confirmed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Jewish Community of Ankara: An Old Story

23 Dec 2022  |  Medium
The Jewish quarter in Ankara represents the multicultural past of the Turkish capital. The Jewish presence in Ankara dates back to the Roman Empire, with a settled community existing since 1356, predating the Sephardic immigration from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492. The community grew with the arrival of Sephardic Jews in the 15th century. Testimonies from former residents like Doğan Önen, Mehmet Kemal Kurşunluoğlu, Aron Ender, and Yakup Almelek recall a harmonious coexistence with Christian and Muslim neighbors, despite occasional discrimination and challenges such as the Wealth Tax of 1942. The Ankara synagogue, renovated in 1909, remains a significant historical site, with the Israeli ambassador attending prayers during religious festivals.

The French Right Looks to the Elysée Palace

11 Feb 2022  |  PolitikYol.com | Yorum, Analiz, Haber Sitesi
France is preparing for its presidential election on April 10, 2022. Emmanuel Macron, though not yet officially a candidate, is leading in the polls. The French left appears fragmented, while the right-wing parties are positioning themselves as viable contenders. Public debates focus on identity, immigration, and security, favoring right-wing populists. Macron's presidency has faced significant opposition, but he remains trusted by many to manage health crises. The Republicans, representing the center-right, uphold a Gaullist legacy, emphasizing sovereignty and national interests. Valérie Pécresse, the Republican candidate, proposes economic and immigration reforms. Eric Zemmour, a far-right candidate, is known for his controversial, anti-immigrant rhetoric. Marine Le Pen, another far-right candidate, criticizes Macron's administration and advocates for a return to traditional French values. The article analyzes the current political landscape and the positioning of right-wing candidates ahead of the election.

Le Monde begins producing English content for the French presidential elections

17 Jan 2022  |  www.indyturk.com
Le Monde, a leading French newspaper, is set to publish English-language articles on the French presidential elections, written by former Washington correspondent Gilles Paris. The initiative, named 'The French Test,' aims to reach an international audience and provide insights into French social and political culture. The articles will cover the elections, candidates, and daily analyses. This move reflects Le Monde's strategy to bridge the language gap for non-French readers and position itself as a primary source for election coverage. The English content is a novel step for French media and could potentially become a permanent feature if successful.

Galatasaray University's French lecturers with Turkish language requirement: 'Not only our professional future, but also Turkish

23 Jun 2021  |  Medyascope
The Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK) mandated B2 level Turkish proficiency for French lecturers in Turkey as of February. Galatasaray University's French nationals, affected by this decision, highlighted the impracticality of achieving the required language level within the short timeframe given, as well as the potential violation of agreements between Turkey and France. The policy threatens the future of French education at the university, jeopardizing professional security for lecturers and scientific collaboration between the two countries. French officials are negotiating for a withdrawal or postponement of the requirement, but recent discussions with the French Ambassador in Ankara have not been promising. Some French lecturers have already left their positions for jobs at French high schools due to the uncertainty.

Sophie Monsinay: France's young female imams desperately seeking a mosque

14 Dec 2020  |  Medyascope
Eva Janadin and Anne-Sophie Monsinay, two of France's three female imams, are searching for a place of worship in Paris to practice a progressive form of Islam. Despite facing societal distrust and rejection from six municipalities, they continue to lead a congregation of about 100 people through Zoom. They prioritize the Quran and the Sunnah as theological sources and conduct prayers without covering their heads, facing exclusion from other imams. Supported by Hakim El Karoui, founder of the Muslim Association for Islam of France, they aim to establish a new vision of Islam in France. Their association serves as a refuge for 400 Muslims who have experienced isolation in their faith journey, attracting a diverse following, including converts, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

The freshest example of digital activism: Catalonia

09 Nov 2019  |  Journo
Tensions in Catalonia continue following the independence referendum organized by the Catalan Autonomous Government in October 2017, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Spanish Constitutional Court. Catalan activism offers noteworthy digital examples, from social media to mobile applications. The Spanish Supreme Court sentenced political leaders who organized the referendum to 9 to 13 years in prison, leading to mass protests against the Spanish government. Digital platforms like Tsunami Democratic, Picnic Per la Republica, and Empaperem have emerged, showcasing the contribution of internet and digital platforms to organization efforts. Tsunami Democratic, known for blocking Barcelona Airport, operates through an app that coordinates protests. Picnic Per la Republica organizes picnics to discuss independence, while Empaperem distributes independence slogans for printing. These digital activism examples highlight the transformation of social opposition in Catalonia and the importance of digital media in modern activism.

Why does Catalonia, the most autonomous region in Europe, want independence?

05 Oct 2017  |  Journo
Catalonia's quest for independence is driven by historical, political, cultural-nationalist, and economic motivations. The historical aspect dates back to the Siege of Barcelona in 1714, which stripped Catalonia of many autonomous structures. Politically, Catalans oppose the central Spanish government's ideology and perceived lack of democracy. Culturally, they emphasize their distinct language and heritage. Economically, Catalonia's wealth and contribution to Spain's GDP are significant factors. Despite the strong push for independence, there are Catalans who prefer to remain part of Spain, citing concerns about the future and corruption. The controversial referendum, deemed illegal by the Spanish government but considered legitimate by supporters, has intensified the debate, with no clear resolution in sight.

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