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Preferred Booking Channel
Fauzy is more likely to commit to assignments booked through paydesk, as it is a trusted platform that validates the seriousness and legitimacy of each engagement.2
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A Photographer Journalist & Documentary, was born September 1, in Medan, North Sumatra and now Based in Bali, Indonesia. Working as a freelance in several news Agencies, Local media as well International. Interests are Stories, Culture, Wildlife, Volcano, Journey, Social Issue, and Environmental. Publication photos from news photo agency and Associated Press in some digital news and newspapers in TIME, the New York Times, The Guardian, Al-jazeera, The Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, Wangshington Post, National Geographic News, Smithsonianmag, Vox, Los Angeles Times, Le monde and any more. Website : ****
Breaking News
Earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia.

Tsunami by Krakatoa volcano on December 2018 in Banten, Sunda Strait, Indonesia.

Eruption Agung Volcano in Bali, Indonesia.

Tsunami by Krakatoa volcano on December 2018 in Banten, Sunda Strait, Indonesia.