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Carmen Blanco

Madrid, Spain
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About Carmen
Carmen Blanco is a journalist based in Madrid specialising in gender, migration and human rights. She has covered issues from Nepal, Uganda, India and Colombia on diverse topics including environment, human rights, LGBTI rights and feminism.
Content Writing
Politics Current Affairs Natural Disasters

Periodismo más allá de las fronteras

08 May 2023  |  lamarea.com
El artículo relata la tragedia ocurrida en una estación migratoria en Ciudad Juárez, México, donde 40 personas murieron en un incendio. La directora de La Verdad Juárez, Rocío Gallegos, y su equipo fueron clave en revelar la verdad detrás del incidente, desafiando la versión oficial y exponiendo las omisiones del Estado mexicano. El reportaje también aborda las políticas migratorias de EE.UU., la situación del periodismo en México, y la violencia que enfrentan los periodistas, especialmente en Ciudad Juárez. Gallegos destaca la importancia del periodismo independiente y local en la lucha contra la corrupción y la opacidad gubernamental, así como la colaboración entre medios independientes para superar la precariedad y los riesgos de la profesión. Además, se menciona la desigualdad de género en el periodismo y cómo las periodistas están liderando medios independientes en México.

A million signatures for a living wage

03 Jan 2023  |  EL PAÍS English
Nasreen Sheikh, a former child laborer in Nepal's textile industry, is now a prominent advocate for women's rights and the fight against forced labor in South Asia. She founded Empowerment Collective to empower marginalized women and is a key figure in the Good Clothes, Fair Pay campaign, which seeks to introduce living wage legislation in the EU for the garment, textile, and footwear sectors. The campaign aims to collect one million signatures to propose legislation to the European Commission. The article also discusses the environmental impact of fast fashion and the gender-based violence in the textile industry, where women make up 80% of the workforce. Fashion Revolution Spain is actively supporting the campaign, which has already gathered over 73,000 signatures. Nasreen Sheikh also founded Local Women Handicrafts, promoting economic independence and sustainable products for vulnerable women.

Felipe Jácome: 'Migration is an act of generosity'

26 Dec 2022  |  El País América
Ecuadorian photojournalist Felipe Jácome has documented the significant phenomenon of migration at the Venezuela border. His photographic project 'Caminantes', recently exhibited in Madrid, features images printed on devalued Venezuelan bolívar bills, capturing the exodus of Venezuelan migrants in 2018 due to economic crisis. Jácome's work, which has been displayed in Paris Photo and Bradwolff Projects in Amsterdam, emphasizes migration as an act of generosity and solidarity, particularly towards children. His other project, 'Unbroken', in collaboration with Ukrainian photographer and dancer Svetlana Onipko, combines images of Ukrainian National Ballet dancers with bullet casings, and is currently on display in Paris. Proceeds from the exhibition are directed towards humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

The story of Nepali Kishan Adhikari: from underground to the red carpet

22 Nov 2022  |  El País América
Kishan Adhikari, a 31-year-old from Kathmandu, Nepal, has lived in Spain for over nine years and is part of Madrid's small Nepali community. Despite facing challenges with his 'third world' passport, he has achieved significant milestones in music and acting. After moving to Europe to escape a heroin epidemic in his neighborhood, he faced a scam by his university and had to work various jobs to stay. He sang in the metro, where he met Mimi Doblas (Lola Índigo) before her fame. Adhikari couldn't join her in 'Operación Triunfo' due to his irregular status. His talent in singing led to a theater job, which helped him get residency. He was surprisingly selected for 'GOT Talent España' and received praise from judges. After eight years, he visited his family in Nepal, learned mindfulness, and upon returning, landed a role in the movie 'La Cima' as a sherpa. He continues to work as a cook and was a finalist on Telemadrid's 'Lalalá'. Adhikari encourages others to persevere despite hardships and plans to return to Nepal to reconnect with his roots and family.

Equality in Nepal is only on paper: 'My father raped me when I told him I was a lesbian'

23 Sep 2022  |  El País América
Nepal, despite decriminalizing homosexuality in 2015, faces a gap between legal equality and societal acceptance, with LGBTQ activists like Sarita Khatri Chhetri of Mitini Nepal highlighting ongoing corrective rapes and discrimination. Visibility for lesbian and bisexual women is growing, with the internet and platforms like TikTok providing a lifeline for young lesbians like Prakriti Shrestha. The LGBTQ community is pushing for the legalization of same-sex marriage to secure economic stability and rights, amidst a patriarchal society with high rates of forced marriages. Activists await government action to address gender roles and inequalities.

Compresas reutilizables, una pequeña revolución menstrual en las montañas del Himalaya

26 Aug 2022  |  El País América
Sahin Pravin, coordinadora del proyecto sobre menstruación de Empowerment Collective, viaja a Lokhim, Nepal, para distribuir compresas reutilizables y promover la educación menstrual. A pesar de las dificultades de viaje debido a las lluvias del monzón, Pravin está determinada a ayudar a las niñas y mujeres que sufren de pobreza menstrual. En Nepal, la mayoría de las mujeres usan telas durante su menstruación debido a la falta de recursos y educación. Pravin, quien también enfrentó desafíos similares en su juventud, ve la educación menstrual como esencial para combatir el estigma y promover la independencia de las mujeres. A pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno de Nepal para distribuir compresas gratuitas, muchas niñas aún no tienen acceso a ellas. Pravin aboga por soluciones sostenibles y educación en las aulas para abordar tanto la pobreza como la falta de información.

No more excuses: Domestic workers demand their rights

30 Mar 2022  |  Público
Domestic workers and caregivers have been waiting for eleven years for the Spanish Government to ratify ILO Convention 189, which guarantees their right to unemployment benefits among other rights. On International Domestic Workers' Day, March 30, activists mobilized across Spain. Senda de Cuidados, a collective in Madrid, provides legal advice and support to migrant women facing workplace abuses. The article highlights the stories of women like Amalia Richards, who advocate for their rights and the importance of solidarity networks. Legal advisor Guillem M. emphasizes the urgency of professionalizing domestic work and improving labor conditions. Activists also call for the regularization of caregivers in Spain and support the campaign 'Esenciales' to collect signatures for a legislative initiative. Despite challenges, there is optimism among the workers, who have achieved some rights through their struggle.

The best thing I've done in my life is to take in migrant minors

26 Oct 2021  |  Público
The article discusses the experiences of migrant minors and their foster families in Spain, highlighting the preference for family over residential care, despite only 0.96% of migrant minors being fostered by families. It covers the European project FAB's event where participants shared their stories, including Maggi, a Gambian refugee, and Moha, a Moroccan youth fostered by Esperanza. Emilia Lozano and Luis Casillas, founders of Somos Acogida, are also featured for their work in providing homes for minors. The article emphasizes the positive impact of fostering on both parties and encourages more families to participate.

Laying down arms to make soap: the struggle of FARC women to achieve peace in Colombia

28 Jul 2021  |  Pikara Magazine
Former FARC combatants in Colombia, like Doris Higuita, have transitioned from warfare to creating eco-friendly soaps with a project called La Marcha. Despite the 2016 peace agreement, critics argue that the Colombian government under Iván Duque has not prioritized its implementation, especially regarding gender equality, which is seen as crucial by entities like ONU Mujeres Colombia. Initiatives like La Marcha and Manifiesta, a fashion brand by Ángela Herrera in partnership with the cooperative Tejiendo Paz, are examples of community efforts promoting gender equality and economic autonomy for women. Colombia remains the country with the highest number of internally displaced people, with women facing increased vulnerability. The national strikes and upcoming elections are seen as opportunities for societal change towards greater equality.

Escaping from gender-based violence amid international neglect: 'I left Colombia to save my life'

19 May 2021  |  Pikara Magazine
Isabella, a pseudonym for a woman who fled Colombia due to gender-based violence, faces the denial of her asylum request in Spain despite her fears for safety. The Spanish Ministry of Interior claims Colombia offers sufficient protection for women, a statement Isabella disputes based on her own experiences and the high rates of unpunished domestic violence and feminicides in Colombia. She dreams of reuniting with her family in the United States and starting her own clothing brand in Spain, while the article highlights the broader issue of international neglect for women fleeing gender-based violence.

From Huelva to Morocco: Moroccan feminists raise their voices

10 May 2021  |  El País América
Moroccan female laborers in Huelva's fields face exploitation and sexual violence, with their vulnerability being exploited for easy labor. The EU-funded Aenas program aims to reduce irregular migration and improve economic situations, but the laborers benefit the least. Women's Link is legally defending Moroccan laborers' rights, and despite setbacks, remains optimistic for justice. The Moroccan feminist movement has made significant strides, particularly since the 2011 Arab Spring, but challenges remain, including the fight for comprehensive violence against women laws and reproductive rights. The movement continues to push for change, with recent campaigns for political parity and improved abortion laws.

2020 ends with a migrant and anti-racist impulse

23 Dec 2020  |  Público
Despite the pandemic, 2020 has seen significant mobilization from migrant collectives and solidarity groups. Key demands include the closure of migrant detention centers (CIES), dignifying seasonal workers' jobs, banning 'hot returns,' and addressing the criminalization of migrant children. The anti-racist movement has been particularly active, culminating in protests on December 18, Migrant Day. The #RegularizaciónYA movement calls for unconditional permanent regularization of migrants and refugees, supported by over 1500 organizations. The Sindicato de Manteros de Madrid criticizes the Foreigners Law and administrative barriers to migrants' rights. Territorio Doméstico fights for domestic workers' rights, while Valiente Bangla addresses language barriers in healthcare. AE Abya Yala advocates for non-EU students facing high tuition fees and administrative challenges. These movements reflect a growing public debate and solidarity in the face of adversity.

LGBTI: Transgressing the Norm During the Pandemic in Nepal

01 Jul 2020  |  El País América
Aayam Poudel, a 22-year-old openly gay man from Nepal, faced family rejection and economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing him to return home where he encountered homophobic attitudes. Despite Nepal's progressive stance on LGBTI rights, including decriminalization of homosexuality in 2007 and recognition of the third gender in 2013, the community still faces discrimination and violence. The Blue Diamond Society and NGO Sath Sath provided Poudel with support. Meghna Lama, a transgender woman and activist, runs Pink Tiffany, Nepal's only LGBTI bar, offering a safe space for the community. The pandemic has exacerbated challenges for LGBTI individuals, particularly for transgender women who often rely on sex work and now lack income. Activists call for broader support and labor opportunities beyond sex work for the transgender community.

The effect of the pandemic on the peaks of the Himalayas

21 May 2020  |  El País América
Shamsher Thapa, a teacher from Gaunshahar, Nepal, recognized by the Global Teacher Prize, faces challenges in providing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. With schools closed, the Ministry of Education's online education initiative is not feasible due to lack of resources. Nepal's government allocated less than promised for education, causing dissatisfaction among experts. Despite a 2018 government report aiming for widespread internet access, many still lack it. The pandemic has severely impacted the economy, especially tourism, and has led to increased poverty. Organizations like Hugging Nepal are providing support, but government aid is not reaching everyone. The country fears the pandemic's impact, still recovering from the 2015 earthquake.

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