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Quickly connect with experienced news professionals in Bogota, ready to cover your story or provide expert reporting. From breaking news to in-depth features, find the talent you need.
Find a freelance analyst in Bogota
Paydesk has 52 analysts in Bogota. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.
Our top analysts in Bogota are Adriana Niño and Alejandra Hormaza.
Use our analyst directory to find a member to work for you.
Analysts in Bogota
Adriana Niño
Adriana es comunicadora social independiente enfocada en el periodismo documental. Trabaja temas relacionados con la reivindicación cultural y social, explorando el periodismo performativo y el reportaje gráfico. Utiliza diferentes expresiones audiovisuales para visibilizar comunidades excluidas y ...
Current Affairs
Alejandra Hormaza
Soy periodista colombiana. Actualmente estoy estudiando una maestría en relaciones internacionales y trabajo en el Congreso de Colombia como periodista. Estoy muy interesada en temas políticos, gobierno, relaciones internacionales y temas sociales. Tengo dos años de experiencia, uno en medios de ...
Investigative Journalism
Fact Checking
Fact Checking
Andres Bayona
Andres Bayona is a Videjournalist based in Bogota, Colombia, working out of the U.S.A, with over a decade of experience covering breaking news stories from a variety of angles. He has worked with several news outlets located in the U.S. and Europe including WNBC; NBC New York, WABC, WCBS, WPIX, ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Current Affairs
Natural Disasters
Jobs Completed 14
Job Success Rate 100%
Usually Responds Within a few weeks
Angélica Trejos
Angélica Trejos is a journalist based in Bogota, Colombia. Comunicadora Social, periodista y presentadora con actualización en Comunicación Estratégica, consultoría de imagen personal y profesional y periodismo de salud. Con más de 10 años de experiencia en realización de notas periodisticas, ...
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast)
Live Reporting
Science & Environment
Health & Fitness
Jobs Completed 15
Job Success Rate 93%
Usually Responds Within a day
Beto Oficina
Alberto de Filippis is a journalist based in Lyon, France. Together with my crew we can shoot, edit and we can also trnslate and work as fixers. Very often on the road for ONG and other tv channels we propose our services from many locations.
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Fact Checking
Camila Pena
Camila Pena is a journalist and marketer based in Bogotá, Colombia. Experienced journalist and social communicator passionate about content production, research and writing news stories. Resourceful researcher, writer and reporter. Proven ability to build relationships and gain trust. Uphold ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Jobs Completed 27
Job Success Rate 100%
Usually Responds Within a day
Carlos Gonzalez
Carlos Gonzalez is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia.
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
News Gathering
Content Writing
Christina Noriega
I'm a freelance journalist, based in Bogotá, Colombia. I cover human rights, gender equality, social movements, culture and the environment. My work has appeared in The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Vice, NACLA, Women's Media Center, Remezcla and more. As a Texas-born Colombian-American, I strive to ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
News Gathering
Current Affairs
Science & Environment
Usually Responds Within a few minutes
Cody Weddle
Cody Weddle is a freelance journalist currently in Bogota, Colombia, but he has covered Venezuela for nearly five years. He has covered Colombia and Venezuela from a variety of angles for print, radio, and TV outlets. He was worked with WPLG-TV, ABC Miami; the Miami Herald; NBC News, the BBC, Al ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Fact Checking
Jobs Completed 32
Job Success Rate 100%
Daira Sofía Acevedo Lozano
Soy Daira Acevedo, soy Comunicadora Social, tengo un diplomado en Marketing Digital, me especializo en la edición audiovisual, llevo más de 5 años en la creación de contenido impactante y significativo. Soy de Bogotá, Colombia vivo en la dirección Cra 78 F #36 Sur - 53, Bogotá. Me caracterizo por ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Breaking News
Jobs Completed 2
David Arévalo
David Arévalo is a spanish journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia. Interested in politics, society, travelling and sports stories. He has personal video camera and a reflex camera. Specialized in writing and broadcast journalist, he also worked on radio programmes. He has a high level of portuguese, ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
News Gathering
Current Affairs
Science & Environment
Usually Responds Seldom
David Morales Alba
I am a Social Communicator—Journalist living in Bogotá (Colombia) with 38 years of experience in information management, production, and dissemination. I have worked with government entities in the International Affairs area and the road infrastructure sector. I have also participated in the ...
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Vox Pop
Breaking News
Usually Responds Within a day
David Tarazona
I'm a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia with three years of experience in broadcast and investigative journalism. You can watch some of my TV pieces on these links: 1. Regresaron a la zona de tragedia - **** 2. Fiscal de fiscales en aprietos por correos agresivos a columnista - **** 3. ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Feature Stories
Usually Responds Within a few hours
Dayana Davila
Dayana Davila is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia.
Diego Huertas
Diego Huertas is a photographer and journalist based in Bogota, Colombia. I like to tell stories through photographies. I'm professional in audiovisual media with emphasis in film and television. I have ten years of experience in documentary, social, journalistic, portrait and aerial ...
Drone Footage
Current Affairs
Science & Environment
Jobs Completed 4
Dimitri O'Donnell
Dimitri O'Donnell is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia and is a regular contributor to TRT World and BBC World Service Radio. With more than 15 years experience in radio and tv he is skilled in live two-ways, breaking news and packaging. He has recently contributed to programmes on ABC Radio ...
Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Current Affairs
Science & Environment
Eliana Paola Páez Solórzano
I'm a Social communicator and journalist, based in Bogotá, Colombia. I have been working as a journalist for eight years, developing content about different topics for print and digital media; creative writing, as well, as high-reach communication strategies (online / offline). I'm a proactive, ...
Feature Stories
Corporate Content
Current Affairs
Jobs Completed 15
Job Success Rate 100%
Federico Javier Fulleda Fontalvo
Federico Javier Fulleda Fontalvo is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia. Soy periodista con 40 años de ejercicio profesional, con ejercicio en medios colombianos Radio Melodía, Radio Super, Radio Caracol, La República, corresponsal de la agencia de noticias UPI de USA y de la Agencia de noticias ...
Live Reporting
Fact Checking
Jobs Completed 9
Job Success Rate 100%
Felipe Alejandro Riveros
Felipe Alejandro Riveros is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia. He has worked mainly as a proofreader of institutional publications, articles and advertising in Spanish. He is also a creative editor, author, editor, designer and producer of publications on request.
Corporate Content
Fact Checking
Fact Checking
Herbert Villarraga
Herbert Villarraga is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia.
Imariel Moreno
Imariel Moreno is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia.
Fact Checking
Fact Checking
Impacto Media Sas Sas
IMPACTO MEDIA is a multimedia agency, a virtual platform that allows you to publish videos, statements, reports and interviews from anywhere in the world, so that These can be viewed and downloaded free of charge by more than 300 media outlets in Colombia. The multimedia agency becomes that ...
Fact Checking
Breaking News
Fact Checking
Jimmy Villareal
JIMMY VILLAREAL is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia. Transmisiones en Vivo para Radio de Habla hispana - Live Broadcasts for Spanish-Speaking Radio Locución, doblaje en español - Voiceover, dubbing in Spanish Noticias y acontecimientos de ultima hora - News and events of last minute ...
Live Reporting
Fact Checking
Breaking News
Fact Checking
Joe Parkin Daniels
Joe Parkin Daniels is a journalist based in Bogota, Colombia.
Jobs Completed 2
Jose Luis Peñarredonda
Jose Luis Peñarredonda is a journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia. He works in English and Spanish and specialises in science and technology reporting, current affairs, and food journalism in Central and South America. He does news and feature writing, radio and video production.
News Gathering
Feature Stories
Current Affairs
Popular Countries
Peru, Nigeria, New Zealand, Burundi, Gambia, Niger, Congo, Togo, Haiti, India